Mister McCall

by SD Master

Hermetic Library Zine SD Master Mister Mccall Nike Writing on a Shield Amethyst Oval the Met
“Nike writing on a shield”, Amethyst oval, Greek or Roman, 1st century BCE–1st century CE, Public Domain, The Met 1972.118.170

“Mister McCall, please believe me, I am you. I am your hopes and fears, your dreams conquered. Your experiments with dream control have succeeded and I am the end result. You have achieved the epitome of dream travel, a holy stasis if you will… constant awareness and control of your thoughts and surroundings. There is no need to fear me, as I am only here to aide you”.

It was 3:15AM of June 13th. I had brought myself up, or consciously out of my phantasmagorical laboratory, my dreams, remaining conscious from the time I had first lain down, to this waking moment, some six hours total.

Since the age of seven and the first nightmares that had shocked me awake to my present age of twenty-seven, I was interested in dreams and ‘Dreaming’. The unreal though seemingly solid world of night-time flight.

I’ve had every dream imaginable, from unexplained and hazy to incredibly clear and lucid. Dreams where I have been a player or onlooker, to dreams where I was the creator or controller of all actions. For the last year-and-a-half I have been experimenting in total recall and control, retaining in memory (and also in my notebooks), the happenings of the many planes that I have visited nightly.

What had at first been frightful curiosity , had thru twenty years become more than a bizarre hobby, had in fact become my bread-and-butter. Being a writer I had found an inexhaustible wealth of material for my stories.

A year or two ago, after having read a book, I became interested in the possibility of retaining an object from one sequence of dream into the next, always retaining the object with me as an anchor or thread to help guide me through the passages of my subconscious. I had at first tried with a hammer that I had found in a sequence and was able to carry it to the next sequence, totally aware that I was doing so. But after achieving this task, I became so excited that I lost control of my conscious abilities and slipped into a par two and then a par three reality (par two being observer mode and par three being the hazy uncontrolled dream that most people are familiar with).

I had continued my experiment and after three-months was able to form a lavender gem-stone with my mind and to traverse these ‘bands of time’ that most would call dreams. I had even toyed with the idea of bringing my gem back with me into my waking life, but try as I might, I was unable to awaken with a solid object crafted from unsolid matter.

From Quotes, Quips and Whimsical Conundrums by SD Master.

SD Master is a mystic who writes poetry.

Hermetic Library Zine SD Master Mister Mccall Hermes Standing by a Pillar With Rams Head and Staf Amethyst Ring Stone the Met
“Hermes standing by a pillar, with ram’s head and staff.”, Amethyst ring stone, Roman, 1st century BCE–3rd century CE, Public Domain, The Met 81.6.75

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source https://thegame23.eu/mister-mccall/

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