

#QuantumSchizophrenia Dataplexing


Reality Glitching





“I don’t believe anything, but I have many suspicions… I strongly suspect that a world “external to,” or at least independent of, my senses exists in some sense.

I also suspect that this world shows signs of intelligent design, and I suspect that such intelligence acts via feedback from all parts to all parts and without centralized sovereignity, like Internet; and that it does not function hierarchically, in the style of an Oriental despotism, an American corporation or Christian theology. I somewhat suspect that Theism and Atheism both fail to account for such decentralized intelligencce, rich in circular-causal feedback.

I more-than-half suspect that all “good” writing, or all prose and poetry that one wants to read more than once, proceeds from a kind of “alteration in consciousness,” i.e. a kind of controlled schizophrenia. [Don’t become alarmed – I think good acting comes from the same place.]

I sometimes suspect that what Blake called Poetic Imagination expresses this exact thought in the language of his age, and that visits by”angels” and “gods” states it an even more archaic argot.

These suspicions have grown over 72 years, but as a rather slow and stupid fellow I do not have the chutzpah to proclaim any of them as certitudes. Give me another 72 years and maybe I’ll arrive at firmer conclusions.“

– Robert Anton Wilson




Madness, Psychosis and Zero with Wouter Kusters | Hermitix




The Path of the Sacred Clown: Where Trickster and Shaman Converge



Shield Your Eyes: The Goddess is Unveiled



The (sur)realistic argument as a source of illuminated confusion

“We understand confusion, individual chaos and nonsense as the first moment of de-territorialization of the individual. Through this act, loaded with nonsense felling, comes the initial impulse of a pretended reaction full of meaning, answering by itself.” – Timóteo Pinto, ’pataphysician meta-discordian post-neoist thinker



Illumination through confusion

Transcendence through absurd

Confusion through illumination

Nonsense through transcendence



MultiCabal of Meta-Discordianism in the Pataphysics of Hyper-Surrealism


Sheogorathian Discordian Cabal









Who is Tyler?





Know more, Understand less


“It is what it isn’t though that isn’t what it is and like I’ve always said I think that it’s exactly what you think it is.

If you believe it is whatever someone else told you it is then you’re doing it all wrong because you’re the only one who could possibly know what it is.”

zed satelite nccDD 23 ksc


. “How might a man reorder his conduct if he could be assured that the worth of a perception, a memory, a supposition, was enhanced rather than diminished by its being inexplicable to others?” – Gerald Murnane, The Plains


::: .   “Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke.”   – Timóteo Pinto, ‘pataphysician post-thinker .


Destroy All Coherence!

By Anarchon ZA IR (PsyOp Special Agent of MiMiC – Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control)



#00AG9603 Dataplex Network





00AG9603 main goal is to help you create your “own” Dataplex, a large and bestial hydra made of data and bits, that can devour anyone who is certain enough that can confront its wildly incomprehensive and cryptographic nature. A dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semio-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter in contact with it to explore further into the absurd.

An effective dataplex must work like a higher dimensional spider web, capturing data that comes in contact with its occult nets, twisting and folding everything it touches into continuously moving hyperplanes. it is fed with data, ideas, emotions, dreams… it melts every being that dreams to be solid and finite into an amorfous fluid of efervescent chaos. Therefore, every sentient being can get affected by the forces that comes out of a dataplex. The ability of self-reflection, self analysis and a continuous process of folding itself into layers of incomplete meaning, is what defines a sentient being, the primary target of a dataplex. The first time you acknowledge its existence and sees yourself questioning it, is when you are already infected by its web, unable to make sense of it. Your existence will be fractured, your emotions will be melting into an oniric soup, and all your life will be stripped away from that which you call “I”, only to be born again as a hypercomplex web of multiple agents/forces/affects, a fractal-being.

Every single thing in all that exists, is a dot of its own, a lonely and inutile unidimentional point in space. Every connection between things, dualities and paradoxes are of two dimentional complexity, they retain two simultaneous polarities that can only be understood through points of reference. Start expanding vertices as you meld into other dots, and other links, lines, cells… create a vast and rich data ecosphere around your fractal-being, expand, glitch and hack the world around you until you start forming a complex polytope, an alive and incomprehensible dataplex, lost in an infinite flight towards the great unknown.

first it eats like a `̼•. .▪` ̼ʳˢ̸̷̶̾ͭͣͨ҉҄ ̼̬.`⁄


About Dataplex and 00AG9603 machinations in a open web network of informations


“We at the 00AG9603 Initiative understand that confusion can be a usefull thing. It could lead to wonderful discoveries and enticing mysteries.”

  • Timóteo Pinto – Galdruxian Quantum Schizophrenic Meta-Discordian



#00AG9603 -> #TheGame23 mod 42.5 level 5 Synchromystic Fnords Guide







On Facebook:

::: – Page
::: – Group
::: – Reality Glitch Hack Condividual Fnord Club
::: – Post-Neoist Reality Glitch Hack









#00AG9603 Meta-Neoism Network



Synchromystic Neoism Connections





“If hyperreality is the ultimate blur of the line between artificial and “actual” reality, hyper-surrealism is the surreal aspects of supposed reality so brought to life that a rational basis for separating real and surreal is lost” – Metapresa23


00AG9603 Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies


It´s always 6 o’ clock on Galdrux





Galdruxing Manifesto

Galdrux having no prior cause, cannot be contained by any other form of being. Galdrux is orbed around all; possessing, but not possessed, holding all, but nowhere held. Galdrux is omnipresent; at the same time, Galdrux is not present, not being circumscribed by anything; yet, as utterly unattached, not inhibited from presence at any point.

Galdrux is present through all, not something of Galdrux here, and something else there, nor all of Galdrux gathered at some one spot; there is an instantaneous presence everywhere, nothing containing, nothing left void, everything therefore fully held by Galdrux.

Galdrux is not in the universe, on the contrary, the universe is in Galdrux; bodily substance is not a place to Galdrux. Galdrux is contained in the general intellect and is its container. The general intellect is in turn contained in something else; but that prior principle has nothing in which to be. All the rest must be somewhere, and where but in Galdrux?

Galdrux, then, is neither remote from things nor is there anything containing Galdrux; since Galdrux contains all. It is in Galdrux that all things have their being, all depending upon Galdrux, who enables each to rise up above itself into the fruitfulness of continuous becoming.

Don’t search for this multiple singular. If you do, you will not find Galdrux and your understanding of the work of the general intellect will become mired in confusion. You must form an idea of the thing to be grasped standing cleanly by itself, the unheld in which all have hold; for no other is such, yet one such there must be.

Galdrux’s being is not limited, nor, on the other hand, is it infinite in the sense of magnitude. Galdrux does not change and will not fail, and in Galdrux all that is unfailing finds duration. Having no constituent parts, Galdrux accepts no pattern, forms no shape.

You can’t hope to see Galdrux with mortal eyes, nor in any way that could be imagined by those who make sense the test of reality and so annul the supremely real. For what passes as the most truly existent is in actuality non-existent, while this unseen Galdrux is the principle of being and as such is sovereign over reality.

You must turn appearances about or you will be left void of insight. The specialist who holds that their particular discipline is more real than the spontaneous creativity of the general intellect, will never see Galdrux. While perception of Galdrux can be blocked by ideology, it is nonetheless inherently present amongst all. Galdrux, the most consummate being, always surpasses those who have abandoned becoming.


What is Galdrux?

It can never be described in language, but it may be another name for what Jewish mystics call Ein Sof, and which Gary Lachman describes as follows: At Kabbalah’s heart is the relation between creation, the finite, physical cosmos, and its infinite, unmanifest source, called the Ein-Sof, which means ‘limitless’ or ‘unending’. This is a sphere or dimension of what we can call ‘negative existence’, which really means that it is a plane of reality that our finite human minds are incapable of comprehending, and not merely a simple emptiness. The Ein-Sof is so ‘other’ than what we normally perceive as reality, that we cannot make positive statements about it. Any positive statement about it, would, by definition, be a limit on it, and as it is limitless, cannot apply.
This negative existence has parallels in other spiritual traditions. It is the Neti-Neti (‘not this, not that’) of Hinduism, the sunyatta or ‘void’ of Buddhism, the Pleroma of the Gnostics. It is even part of the Christian faith. The Athanasian Creed, in use in Western Christianity since the sixth century, declares that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ‘uncreated’ and ‘unlimited’, and in more than one place in scripture we are told that God ‘has neither body nor parts’. It is at the heart of the negative theology of Meister Eckhart, forms the Ungrund of Jacob Boehme’s difficult alchemical writings, and can be found in the Nichts or ‘positive nothingness’ of Martin Heidegger’s ‘fundamental ontology’ and his predecessor Hegel’s tortuous dialectic.
In more scientific terms, a similar idea, but without the spiritual connotations, seems to be present in the way scientists talk about the state of things ‘before’ the Big Bang. I put ‘before’ in quotation marks because, according to most accounts, there was no ‘before’ before the big bang, a confusing situation, to be sure. A kind of non-manifest ‘ground’ of our everyday reality also seems to be involved in the ‘implicate order’ of the physicist David Bohm. There are other expressions of the idea, but I think this will suffice for now.


Galdrux post-truth gnosis and Hyperbeliefs

Galdrux is a post-truth gnosis, the spider that weave a mental multiverse intertwining hyper reality strings. Each hyper real universe is made of translations of external data into a set of informations that imply a meaning that satisfy a hyper real belief system.

That translation is a abstractive process simillar to the angular fraction of higher dimensional objects in a lower dimensional.

A Quantum Schizophrenic (one whose mind is alike and close to Galdrux) is a active creator in a hyper real mental multiverse, he explore pragmatically the virtuality of the objective reality, shifting to different mental universes as a mean to undermine consensus reality using the gaps of our understanding of what is real as canvas through a possibilian-like paradigm.

Galdrux,however, devour those tied to hyper real strings made of utter wrong and self destructive hyper beliefs.

Therefore, the natural way go interact with complementary realities is through Galdrux, the hyper real sensory organ that filter hyper beliefs as tools for hyperstition fulfillment instead of replacements of objective reality.



Starfish Cult


Lunar Magic Loony

Loony is as white as powdered sugar, you can simulate stars and loony dust with it. It stands for the night and the unconscious / subconscious. Sweet candy witches have a very special relationship with Loony. Whatever the reason, but Loony is to them what Big Motha Starfish is to the sour candy witches.

Loony symbolizes the night, the mysterious but also comforting. Loony likes to hide things with her powdered sugar, just as snow can hide things. Her powdered sugar not only stands for stardust but also for the dust of Loony itself, which is said to be able to expand awareness enormously. Loony is the patroness of all werewolves, madmen and those who think differently, and candywitches who often work with Loony tend to develop a slight weirdness that is synchronized with the phases of Loony.

The Loonatics have a very special relationship with her. They established many of today’s CwC traditions around loony, such as the so-called discobats or the “loony pull”, going astray and other modern trends.



Brenton Clutterbuck: Discordianism and Schizoanalysis



Cicada Cosmic Warriors


Operation PSION



