Hermetic Library Newsletter #179

eventually, still, no really, I swear

Howdy everyone! Here’s a public summary of my activity this week ending June 28, 2024 and reminders about some things upcoming!

Yikes, it’s almost a new month. I’d better get next month’s social posting schedule refilled!

On July 5 will be Aphelion 2024, when Earth is farthest from Sun in its orbit! That also means that I will wrap the current issue of the zine. To be honest, I’ve not gotten submissions for a while, and have been relying on a lot of older stuff that I still had available. Without those new submissions coming in, I’m going not going to start up a new issue this time. I’ll eventually, still, no really, I swear, loop back and get the previous issues formatted and at least digitally published to the library’s Itch, and for gratis download to Patrons with the digital perk. But, that’s it for the zine. (Such has been the way of so very many things I’ve tried to get going over the years!)

And, I’m tired. I’ve been holding open this door, with a smile and happily offered invitations to participate in various ways at the library, for over a decade now, and I’m just tired of hardly ever getting much by way of response, and even more rarely will a general response turn into actual participation. So, I’ve become slowly less and less interested in trying to do anything that requires others to participate, including the zines. It’s definitely been a bummer, but it is what it is. So, I’ll try to re-focus what time and energy I had used for that stuff on other things now.

Either way, I’ll keep on keepin’ on as long as I am able! And, you’re here, following along, so that’s not nothin’!

And, of course, I did other ongoing work on site, blog, and socials.

Thank you for visiting and being a reader at Hermetic Library. You help me be of service and make the work of the library meaningful. Especial thanks to each and every ongoing Patron on Patreon and other supporters for making the work of the library possible!

Hermetic Library Hermeneuticon 23 Skidoo Well I'll Be Blowed Postcard From 1905


Here’s upcoming calendar and astronomical events, plus the daily Thelemic Tephilah practice, for the coming week, June 28—July 5.


Follow Calendar on the web and rss. And, if you have a current or upcoming event to share, let’s add it to the Hermetic Library Calendar!

Here’s recurring calendar events in Hermeneuticon for this coming week. Also, I’m now posting events from the Hermeneuticon calendar daily, along with Thoth card and Hexagram of the day and Thelemic Tephilah reminders, to all the library’s active socials; so, follow along on your platform of preference for those posting daily.

  • Feast of Simon Magus, June 29
  • Greater Feast of Swami Vivekananda, died July 4, 1902 at Belur, India
  • Aphelion, Earth farthest from the Sun, July each year. In 2024, that will be on Friday, July 5 at 05:06 UTC

And, check out the posted upcoming calendar events on the blog. I did not post any new this week, but also be sure to look at all the other things still upcoming.


  • Moon enters Aries, June 28, 2024, 08:52 UTC (☉ in ♋︎, ☾ in ♈︎)
  • Moon enters Taurus, June 30, 2024, 12:01 UTC (☉ in ♋︎, ☾ in ♉︎)
  • Moon enters Gemini, July 2, 2024, 15:50 UTC (☉ in ♋︎, ☾ in ♊︎)
  • Moon enters Cancer, July 4, 2024, 20:52 UTC (☉ in ♋︎, ☾ in ♋︎)
  • Aphelion, July 5, 2024, 05:06 UTC (Earth farthest from the Sun)
  • New Moon in Cancer, July 5, 2024, 22:57 UTC (🌑 in ♋︎)

Thelemic Tephilah

Here’s reminders for Thelemic Tephilah daily practice for this upcoming week, from the Hermeneuticon page for the month. Also, remember, I’m now posting Thelemic Tephilah daily, along with Thoth card and Hexagram of the day and events from the Hermeneuticon calendar, on all the library’s active socials, so follow along somewhere you like for those reminders daily.

Things to check out at Hermetic Library

And on the blog

All the quotes, reviews, &c. (But not OG, Events Calendar, &c.)

Hermetic Library Hermeneuticon Cipher Manuscripts the Script Used for the Cipher From Polygraphie Et Universelle Escriture Cabalistique by Johannes Trithemius

Hermetic Library Caturday 22jun2024 Cat Muninn Mu Musytoots

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source https://thegame23.eu/hermetic-library-newsletter-179/

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